
  • Threat actors exploiting zero-days faster than ever – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

    VideoThreat actors exploiting zero-days faster than ever — Week in security with Tony Anscombe==========================================================================================The average time it takes attackers to…

  • Teaching, Transferable Skills and Cybersecurity: A Career Shift Story

    Sara Snell started her career as an elementary school teacher. Here is her journey to becoming a state government cyber…

  • [BLACKSUIT] – Ransomware Victim: mopsohio[.]com

    * [Data Breach](* [Ransomware]([BLACKSUIT-] — Ransomware Victim: mopsohio-[.-]com====================================================[October 20, 2024]( ![image]( ‘[BLACKSUIT] – Ransomware Victim: mopsohio[.]com 1’)Ransomware Group: **BLACKSUIT**===============================### VICTIM…

  • [BLACKSUIT] – Ransomware Victim: rcschools[.]net

    * [Data Breach](* [Ransomware]([BLACKSUIT-] — Ransomware Victim: rcschools-[.-]net=====================================================[October 20, 2024]( ![image]( ‘[BLACKSUIT] – Ransomware Victim: rcschools[.]net 1’)Ransomware Group: **BLACKSUIT**===============================### VICTIM…

  • [BLACKSUIT] – Ransomware Victim: Kansas City Hospice

    * [Data Breach](* [Ransomware]([BLACKSUIT-] — Ransomware Victim: Kansas City Hospice=======================================================[October 20, 2024]( ![image]( ‘[BLACKSUIT] – Ransomware Victim: Kansas City Hospice…

  • [RANSOMHUB] – Ransomware Victim: mh-mech[.]com

    * [Data Breach](* [Ransomware]([RANSOMHUB-] — Ransomware Victim: mh-mech-[.-]com===================================================[October 20, 2024]( ![image]( ‘[RANSOMHUB] – Ransomware Victim: mh-mech[.]com 1’)Ransomware Group: **RANSOMHUB**===============================### VICTIM…

  • [HUNTERS] – Ransomware Victim: KMC Controls

    * [Data Breach](* [Ransomware]([HUNTERS-] — Ransomware Victim: KMC Controls==============================================[October 19, 2024]( ![image]( ‘[HUNTERS] – Ransomware Victim: KMC Controls 1’)Ransomware Group:…

  • [HUNTERS] – Ransomware Victim: Michael J Gurfinkel

    * [Data Breach](* [Ransomware]([HUNTERS-] — Ransomware Victim: Michael J Gurfinkel=====================================================[October 19, 2024]( ![image]( ‘[HUNTERS] – Ransomware Victim: Michael J Gurfinkel…

  • Open source LLM tool primed to sniff out Python zero-days

    #### [Security](/security/)**2** Open source LLM tool primed to sniff out Python zero-days=========================================================**2** The static analyzer uses Claude AI to identify…

  • Threat actors exploiting zero-days faster than ever – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

    VideoThreat actors exploiting zero-days faster than ever — Week in security with Tony Anscombe==========================================================================================The average time it takes attackers to…