Privacy Anxiety Pushes Microsoft Recall AI Release Again
* [Application Security](/application-security)* [Data Privacy](/cyber-risk/data-privacy)* [Vulnerabilities -& Threats](/vulnerabilities-threats)* [Cyber Risk](/cyber-risk)Privacy Anxiety Pushes Microsoft Recall AI Release Again Privacy Anxiety Pushes…
Chinese APTs Cash In on Years of Edge Device Attacks
* [Threat Intelligence](/threat-intelligence)* [Perimeter](/cybersecurity-operations/perimeter)* [Cybersecurity Operations](/cybersecurity-operations)* [Сloud Security](/cloud-security)Chinese APTs Cash In on Years of Edge Device Attacks Chinese APTs Cash…
WordPress Vulnerability & Patch Roundup October 2024
* [Security Advisory](https://blog.sucuri.net/category/security-advisory)* [Security Education](https://blog.sucuri.net/category/security-education)* [WordPress Security](https://blog.sucuri.net/category/wordpress-security)WordPress Vulnerability -& Patch Roundup October 2024===================================================== [Sucuri Malware Research Team](https://blog.sucuri.net/author/malware-research)* November 1, 2024…
Separating the bee from the panda: CeranaKeeper making a beeline for Thailand
This intelligence report details a sophisticated malware campaign targeting multiple industries across various countries. The threat actor employs advanced tactics,…
Peoples Republic of ChinaLinked Actors Compromise Routers and IoT Devices for Botnet Operations
PRC-linked cyber actors have compromised thousands of Internet-connected devices to create a botnet for malicious activities. Integrity Technology Group, a…
Hadooken and K4Spreader: The 8220 Gangs Latest Arsenal
This analysis uncovers a significant infection chain targeting Windows and Linux systems through Oracle WebLogic vulnerabilities. The attackers, likely the…
Midnight Blizzard conducts largescale spearphishing campaign using RDP files
On October 22, 2024, Microsoft identified a spear-phishing campaign in which Midnight Blizzard sent phishing emails to thousands of users…
Strela Stealer Targets Europe Stealthily Via WebDav
Strela Stealer, first identified by DCSO in late 2022, is a type of information-stealing malware primarily designed to exfiltrate email…
Strela Stealer Targets Europe Stealthily Via WebDav
Strela Stealer, first identified by DCSO in late 2022, is a type of information-stealing malware primarily designed to exfiltrate email…
Malicious CAPTCHA delivers Lumma and Amadey Trojans
An adware campaign targets online users by presenting them with fake CAPTCHA or update prompts, tricking them into running malicious…