Author: Tekno Phreak
Cobalt Strike Beacon Detected – 101[.]201[.]247[.]232:4433
* [Cobalt Strike]( Strike Beacon Detected — 101-[.-]201-[.-]247-[.-]232:4433=================================================================[November 23, 2024]( Cobalt Strike Beacon Detection Alerts > The Information provided at…
Cobalt Strike Beacon Detected – 54[.]225[.]176[.]139:443
* [Cobalt Strike]( Strike Beacon Detected — 54-[.-]225-[.-]176-[.-]139:443===============================================================[November 23, 2024]( Cobalt Strike Beacon Detection Alerts > The Information provided at…
Cobalt Strike Beacon Detected – 47[.]109[.]178[.]63:80
* [Cobalt Strike]( Strike Beacon Detected — 47-[.-]109-[.-]178-[.-]63:80=============================================================[November 23, 2024]( Cobalt Strike Beacon Detection Alerts > The Information provided at…
Cobalt Strike Beacon Detected – 47[.]109[.]137[.]82:80
* [Cobalt Strike]( Strike Beacon Detected — 47-[.-]109-[.-]137-[.-]82:80=============================================================[November 23, 2024]( Cobalt Strike Beacon Detection Alerts > The Information provided at…
Cobalt Strike Beacon Detected – 123[.]60[.]182[.]88:443
* [Cobalt Strike]( Strike Beacon Detected — 123-[.-]60-[.-]182-[.-]88:443==============================================================[November 23, 2024]( Cobalt Strike Beacon Detection Alerts > The Information provided at…
[INCRANSOM] – Ransomware Victim: Alna-Bioscience
* [Data Breach](* [Ransomware]([INCRANSOM-] — Ransomware Victim: Alna-Bioscience===================================================[November 23, 2024]( ![image]( ‘[INCRANSOM] – Ransomware Victim: Alna-Bioscience 1’)Ransomware Group: **INCRANSOM**===============================### VICTIM…
A cyberattack on gambling giant IGT disrupted portions of its IT systems
A cyberattack on gambling giant IGT disrupted its systems, forcing the company to take certain services offline.—————————————————————————————————————-[International Game Technology]( (IGT)…
China-linked APT Gelsemium uses a new Linux backdoor dubbed WolfsBane
China-linked APT Gelsemium has been observed using a new Linux backdoor dubbed WolfsBane in attacks targeting East and Southeast Asia.————————————————————————————————————————————–China-linked…
Microsoft seized 240 sites used by the ONNX phishing service
Microsoft disrupted the ONNX phishing service, seizing 240 sites and naming an Egyptian man as the operator behind the operation.———————————————————————————————————————————Microsoft…
Trump taps border hawk to head DHS. Will Noem’s ‘enthusiasm’ extend to digital domain?
#### [Public Sector](/on_prem/public_sector/)**2** Trump taps border hawk to head DHS. Will Noem’s ‘enthusiasm’ extend to digital domain?======================================================================================**2** Meanwhile, CISA chief…