zipdump & Evasive ZIP Concatenation, (Sat, Nov 9th)

[zipdump -& Evasive ZIP Concatenation](/forums/diary/zipdump+Evasive+ZIP+Concatenation/31426/)==============================================================================================* * []( ‘Share on Facebook’)* []( ‘Share on Twitter’) **Published** : 2024-11-09. **Last Updated** : 2024-11-09 06:21:25 UTC **by** [Didier Stevens](/handler_list.html#didier-stevens) (Version: 1) [0 comment(s)](/diary/zipdump+Evasive+ZIP+Concatenation/31426/#comments) On [Friday’s Stormcast](, Johannes talks about Evasive ZIP Concatenation, a technique where 2 (or more) ZIP files are concatenated together to evade detection.This gives me a good opportunity to remind you that my zip analysis tool []( can handle this type of file.zipdump uses Python’s zipfile module (or [pyzipper]( if you install it), and if you just run it on this type of file without any opions, you get the listing of the last ZIP file:![]( when you use option -f, zipdump will not use Python’s zipfile module, but directly analyze PKZIP records.When you use option -f l (l stands for listing), you will get a listing of all PKZIP records found inside the provided file:![]( are 6 PKZIP records here, making up 2 ZIP files. To analyze the content of the first ZIP file with Python’s zipfile module, use option -f 1:![]( use option -f 2 for the second ZIP file:![]( can then use zipdump’s other options to analyze the file, for example:![]( can also analyze individual PKZIP records, you select one by providing it’s position inside the file, as it appears in the listing (-f l):![]( Stevens Senior handler []( Keywords:[0 comment(s)](/diary/zipdump+Evasive+ZIP+Concatenation/31426/#comments)

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