[FLOCKER] – Ransomware Victim: A*u[.]edu[.]au

* [Data Breach](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/category/databreach/)* [Ransomware](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/category/ransomware/)-[FLOCKER-] — Ransomware Victim: A-*u-[.-]edu-[.-]au=====================================================[February 16, 2025](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/2025/02/) ![image](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/image.png ‘[FLOCKER] – Ransomware Victim: A*u[.]edu[.]au 1’)Ransomware Group: **FLOCKER**=============================### VICTIM NAME: **A-*u-[.-]edu-[.-]au****NOTE: No files or stolen information are -[exfiltrated/downloaded/taken/hosted/seen/reposted/disclosed-] by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating to the content of the files should be directed at the attackers directly, not RedPacket Security. This blog is simply posting an editorial news post informing that a company has fallen victim to a ransomware attack. RedPacket Security is in no way affiliated or aligned with any ransomware threat actors or groups and will not host infringing content. The information on this page is fully automated and redacted whilst being scraped directly from the **FLOCKER** Onion Dark Web Tor Blog page.***** ** * ** ***AI Generated Summary of the Ransomware Leak Page————————————————The ransomware leak page associated with A-*u.edu.au indicates that the group’s claim of compromising the servers of this institution has been disseminated. The attackers assert that prior to deploying encryption, they successfully extracted all pertinent data from the servers. While the specific content of the extracted data remains undisclosed, the potential impact on the institution’s operations and data confidentiality is significant. This incident sheds light on the ongoing threat posed by ransomware attacks to educational institutions.The discovery date of the breach is noted as February 16, 2025. The post was published on the same date, and it was attributed to the hacking group known as Flocker. While the exact location and details of the impact remain unspecified, the leak serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities surrounding data security in academic environments. A screenshot from the leak page is available, illustrating the group’s claims; however, specific details contained in the screenshot have been redacted to maintain confidentiality. Overall, this event underscores the importance of robust cybersecurity measures and awareness among institutions to mitigate such risks.*** ** * ** ***A considerable amount of time and effort goes into maintaining this website, creating backend automation and creating new features and content for you to make actionable intelligence decisions. Everyone that supports the site helps enable new functionality.If you like the site, please support us on ‘Patreon’ or ‘Buy Me A Coffee’ using the buttons below [Buy Me A Coffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/redpacketsec) [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=37301876)To keep up to date follow us on the below channels. [Telegram](https://t.me/RedPacketSecurity) [Discord](https://discord.gg/xZY94PXXs4) [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedPacketSecurity/) [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/redpacket-security/) [Mastodon](https://mastodon.social/@RedPacketSecurity) Tags: [Dark Web](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/tag/_dark_web/), [data breach](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/tag/data-breach/), [flocker](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/tag/flocker/), [OSINT](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/tag/osint/), [ransomware](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/tag/ransomware/), [threatintel](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/tag/threatintel/), [tor](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/tag/tor/)Post Navigation—————[Previous China-Linked Espionage Tools in Ransomware Attack: New Connections Revealed](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/china-linked-espionage-tools-used-in-recent-ransomware-attack/) [Next CVE Alert: CVE-2024-13439](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/cve_alert_cve-2024-13439/)

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Blog: Red Packet Security Ransomware Feed

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