[SAFEPAY] – Ransomware Victim: gonzalesusd[.]net

* [Data Breach](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/category/databreach/)* [Ransomware](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/category/ransomware/)-[SAFEPAY-] — Ransomware Victim: gonzalesusd-[.-]net=====================================================[January 18, 2025](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/2025/01/) ![image](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/image.png ‘[SAFEPAY] – Ransomware Victim: gonzalesusd[.]net 1’)Ransomware Group: **SAFEPAY**=============================### VICTIM NAME: **gonzalesusd-[.-]net****NOTE: No files or stolen information are -[exfiltrated/downloaded/taken/hosted/seen/reposted/disclosed-] by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating to the content of the files should be directed at the attackers directly, not RedPacket Security. This blog is simply posting an editorial news post informing that a company has fallen victim to a ransomware attack. RedPacket Security is in no way affiliated or aligned with any ransomware threat actors or groups and will not host infringing content. The information on this page is fully automated and redacted whilst being scraped directly from the **SAFEPAY** Onion Dark Web Tor Blog page.***** ** * ** ***AI Generated Summary of the Ransomware Leak Page————————————————The leak page pertains to the Gonzales Unified School District, located in Gonzales, California. This district serves as the primary provider of public education in the city, accommodating various educational levels, including elementary, middle, and high school. The organization is dedicated to fostering enriching and engaging environments tailored for students, teachers, and staff members. The post was made available on January 18, 2025, highlighting the significant concerns surrounding educational institutions and their vulnerability to cyber threats.This leak page appears to have been published as part of an operational campaign by a group named ‘safepay’. The information accessible regarding employees or users seems limited, suggesting that the quantity of exposed data may be minimal at this stage. While specific screenshots or in-depth data concerning the leak remain undisclosed, the presence of the leak associated with an educational entity emphasizes the pressing need for cybersecurity measures within public sector organizations. It’s crucial for such institutions to prioritize robust defenses against the rising tide of cybercriminal activities targeting sensitive educational data.*** ** * ** ***A considerable amount of time and effort goes into maintaining this website, creating backend automation and creating new features and content for you to make actionable intelligence decisions. Everyone that supports the site helps enable new functionality.If you like the site, please support us on ‘Patreon’ or ‘Buy Me A Coffee’ using the buttons below [Buy Me A Coffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/redpacketsec) [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=37301876)To keep up to date follow us on the below channels. [Telegram](https://t.me/RedPacketSecurity) [Discord](https://discord.gg/xZY94PXXs4) [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedPacketSecurity/) [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/redpacket-security/) [Mastodon](https://mastodon.social/@RedPacketSecurity) Tags: [Dark Web](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/tag/_dark_web/), [data breach](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/tag/data-breach/), [OSINT](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/tag/osint/), [ransomware](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/tag/ransomware/), [safepay](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/tag/safepay/), [threatintel](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/tag/threatintel/), [tor](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/tag/tor/)Post Navigation—————[Previous CISA: CISA and ONCD Release Playbook for Strengthening Cybersecurity in Federal Grant Programs for Critical Infrastructure](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/cisa-cisa-and-oncd-release-playbook-for-strengthening-cybersecurity-in-federal-grant-programs-for-critical-infrastructure-18-01-2025/) [Next -[LYNX-] — Ransomware Victim: Kassin -& Carrow](https://www.redpacketsecurity.com/lynx-ransomware-victim-kassin-carrow/)

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Blog: Red Packet Security Ransomware Feed

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