Month: December 2024
OpenAI Unveils o1 Model & ChatGPT Pro For $200 Per Month
OpenAI has unveiled its latest advancements in artificial intelligence, introducing the highly anticipated o1 model and a new premium subscription…
hrtng: A Powerful IDA Pro Plugin for Malware Reverse Engineering
Researchers from Kaspersky’s Global Research and Analysis Team have released a powerful new [IDA Pro]( plugin called ‘hrtng,’ designed to…
Announcing the launch of Vanir: Open-source Security Patch Validation
Today, we are announcing the availability of [Vanir](, a new open-source security patch validation tool. Introduced at Android Bootcamp in…
FCC proposes updates to wiretap security standards following Chinese telecom hacks
FCC proposes updates to wiretap security standards following Chinese telecom hacks==================================================================================![FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel testifies during the House Appropriations Subcommittee…
DHS surveillance tools lack bias and privacy protections, GAO says
DHS surveillance tools lack bias and privacy protections, GAO says==================================================================![](×394.jpg?1733428080) ![](×394.jpg?1733428080)Westend61/Getty Images | Get the latest federal technology news delivered…
Trump signals new direction for IRS as he announces atypical plan to replace its leadership
Trump signals new direction for IRS as he announces atypical plan to replace its leadership===========================================================================================![Current Commissioner Danny Werfel’s ousting may…
Library of Congress Offers AI Legal Guidance to Researchers
* [Cyber Risk](/cyber-risk)* [Application Security](/application-security)* [Cyberattacks -& Data Breaches](/cyberattacks-data-breaches)* [Vulnerabilities -& Threats](/vulnerabilities-threats)Library of Congress Offers AI Legal Guidance to Researchers…
Russia’s ‘BlueAlpha’ APT Hides in Cloudflare Tunnels
* [Сloud Security](/cloud-security)* [Application Security](/application-security)* [Cyberattacks -& Data Breaches](/cyberattacks-data-breaches)* [Threat Intelligence](/threat-intelligence)Russia’s ‘BlueAlpha’ APT Hides in Cloudflare Tunnels Russia’s ‘BlueAlpha’ APT…
Bypass Bug Revives Critical N-Day in Mitel MiCollab
* [Vulnerabilities -& Threats](/vulnerabilities-threats)* [Сloud Security](/cloud-security)* [Application Security](/application-security)* [Cyber Risk](/cyber-risk)Bypass Bug Revives Critical N-Day in Mitel MiCollab Bypass Bug Revives…
Trojan-as-a-Service Hits Euro Banks, Crypto Exchanges
* [Threat Intelligence](/threat-intelligence)* [Vulnerabilities -& Threats](/vulnerabilities-threats)* [Cyberattacks -& Data Breaches](/cyberattacks-data-breaches)Trojan-as-a-Service Hits Euro Banks, Crypto Exchanges Trojan-as-a-Service Hits Euro Banks, Crypto…